We have been in the oil and gas business as contractors, as owners and entrepreneurs for more than 30 years, and we can be your support and developers in the Latin American sector (Caribbean, Central America and South America).
We can keep you aware of the new ventures and possibilities in the area through our Market Highlights report, an
We have been in the oil and gas business as contractors, as owners and entrepreneurs for more than 30 years, and we can be your support and developers in the Latin American sector (Caribbean, Central America and South America).
We can keep you aware of the new ventures and possibilities in the area through our Market Highlights report, and our BD spot news.
We can bring you advice and analysis in the business, financial and technical areas of the potential projects.
LatinBis will partner new investors in all the Oil and Gas areas:
Latin America is ope
LatinBis will partner new investors in all the Oil and Gas areas:
Latin America is opened to new ventures through different business schemes (BOO, BOT, PPP, EPC, EPCF), welcoming the privet investment and giving legal protection and incentives in different ways, depending on the country and location.
Depending on the venture requirements, LatinBis will set the most convenient strategy including the development of documents to make it happen, which can include:
Depending on the venture requirements, LatinBis will set the most convenient strategy including the development of documents to make it happen, which can include:
In LatinBis we value:
We will create wealth and positive change for our partners and for every stakeholder in our ventures; by creating new businesses which will bring development to the areas they are placed in, while becoming a positive social contributor and a sustainable part of the society.
We will become a preferred partner and a corporation in the Oil and Gas Business, which will be there for years to come as an example of integrity, professionalism and respect for the areas of our ventures, the people and the world.
Our team members participated in top leading positions in the main Venezuelan and international projects developed in the last 40 years, including:
- Cardon Refinery Expansion Project (PARC project)
- Petrozuata (now Petro San Felix)
- Cerro Negro (Now Petromonagas)
- Puerto La Cruz Deep Conversion Project
- El Palito Refinery Expansion Project
- Batalla de Santa Ines (Barinas Refinery Project)
- Nanhai Refinery (P.R. China)
- Isla Refinery Expansion project (Curacao)
- Orinoco Belt Development Plans
Our LatinBis staff is selected from professionals with senior experience in project execution, business development and financing strategies. We follow the energy sector new developments and standards to give our clients the best consultancy support. We work with our clients as partners so they can feel confident and represented in their final objectives.
In LatinBis we decided that a good way to give back from all the joy received during many years of project execution is by creating courses that will form the next project executioners. We will keep publishing by the Udemy platform different project themes, that will be resulting from the knowledge and experience of our team members. Following you will find the links to courses published up to today.
To be published in short time through Udemy platform.